Crystal Vision
Appendix 1
13 Appendix 1
In July 2014, Statesman control of SYN 3G models was superseded by
VisionWeb control. Statesman is no longer supported after this date, but
information for existing users is included in this appendix. The following is an
extract from the SYN-A 3G manual:
Statesman operation
The initial view will show an Explorer style view of the connected frames and modules.
Double clicking on a module will enable the display of the main application menus.
Statesman main application window
The two large control panes shown in the upper and lower halves of the window may display
different menus for the same card, or controls for different cards. Click on the horizontal
button-bar between the two panes to close the lower pane or drag the button to vary the size of
the panes.
For further details of Statesman configuration and operation please refer to the
Statesman manual.
The board status is shown using a mixture of simulated LEDs and text information. As a
general rule a green LED shows a good condition such as input present. An amber LED will
SYN 3G/SYN-A 3G User Manual R1.3
9 July 2019