Crystal Vision
SW803 3G User Manual R1.4
8.3 SW808 Controller operation
To use the SW808 Controller, proceed as follows:
Connect the SW808 Controller panel to a Crystal Vision frame with an SW803
3G module installed as explained in the previous section
Power the Controller panel - the panel will automatically search for an SW803
3G module
SW808 Controller panel
Searching Mode
The panel indicates that it is in ‘searching mode’ by flashing the source and destination
buttons and LEDs in a back and forth pattern. Button presses will have no effect whilst
The panel will remain in ‘searching mode’ until it has established communications with a
SW803 3G board. If communication with a SW803 3G is lost, it will return to ‘searching
Panel LED
Meaning when lit
Reference present.
Composite/SDI reference selection cannot be made from the panel
Comms OK
Illuminates to indicate communication with SW803 3G
Panel lock
Panel locked
All buttons are locked out. To toggle panel lock on and off hold down
source 1 button and destination 8 button for approximately 3 seconds
Shows which paths
have signals
The eight LEDs under the source buttons show video in to the SW803
3G, and the eight LEDs under the destination buttons show video out
of the SW803 3G and are therefore routing dependent
Changing crosspoint assignments
To change routing, first press the destination button and then the new source button. The
new source button will flash and the TAKE button will light. Then press the TAKE button
and the new routing will be updated on the SW803 3G. Where the output selection
remains unchanged any source may be selected and routed to that output by simply
selecting the source and pressing TAKE.
Always assign sources to destinations by first selecting a destination followed by a source to
route to that destination.
To undo routing that hasn’t been ‘taken’ press the destination and then the original
source. This will be the source button that is lit and not flashing.
Viewing crosspoint assignments
To see which source is connected to which destination, press the DESTINATION button
and the source connected to it will light. One source can go to more than one destination.