Crystal Vision
Using the front control panel
SW803 3G User Manual R1.4
The active control panel routing controls allow both immediate routing of a selected
single input to a selected output, and multiple routing in the manner of a salvo.
Example; If output 1 routing is selected with input 5 as its source, pressing Take will
result in an immediate switch, taking into consideration the output switch timing setting.
If, instead of pressing Take the up arrow [
] is pressed, the new routing will be retained
but not implemented. The user is now able to go to one of the other output routing menus
where a further routing selection can be made. Pressing ENTER will now implement the
new routing plus the output 1 routing simultaneously. It would also be possible to again
press the up arrow [
] and make a third routing selection at which point all three
routings will be implemented on pressing the ENTER button.
Output switch timing
From this menu it is possible to set the output switching criteria from the selection of
Field, Frame or immediate (crash). The timed switching points are in accordance with
RP168-2002 for all supported standards.
When timed switching is selected, and should the chosen reference source be removed the
switching mode will automatically change to immediate. It will be necessary to reselect
the switching mode manually once the reference source has returned.
Reference source
SW803 3G can obtain its timing source reference either from inputs 1 to 4 or take an
external analogue reference being either black and burst or tri-level syncs. The video
reference is reported unless the source is removed in which case an ‘Unknown’ status will
be reported.