Crystal Vision
Indigo 2 CoolFlow User Manual R1.3
Once the download is complete the updater will confirm that the update was successful.
It will now be necessary to reboot the frame. This can be achieved by cycling the mains
supply to the frame or if not convenient carefully remove the ribbon cable connector from
the front panel PCB.
Take great care when reinserting the front panel ribbon cable that none of the pins in the
PCB connector become bent or misaligned.
Downloading licenses
The Indigo 2SE CoolFlow frame is pre-installed with an SNMP manager which will require
a license to be downloaded and installed. The license is available by email from Crystal
Vision’s customer support. To obtain a license the frame’s MAC address will be required.
Once you have obtained the licence, the file is downloaded to the frame using the board
update tool.
Click the “Refresh list” button and wait whilst the network is scanned. Once done then
select the frame for upgrading from the “Board to talk to” drop-down list by IP address or
Select the “Download license file” tab and click on the Browse button. Navigate to the
folder containing the License file. Click “Download to Board” and wait.
It will now be necessary to reboot the frame. This can be achieved by cycling the mains
supply to the frame or if not convenient carefully remove the ribbon cable connector from
the front panel PCB.
Take great care when reinserting the front panel ribbon cable that none of the pins in the
PCB connector become bent or misaligned.