5 - 9
Hot Tank Limiter Replacement
Note: Begin with the unit unplugged, the water drained and the left side panel removed (Figure
5-5-1, Figure 5-5-2 and Figure 5-5-3).
Tip: Use a small flathead screwdriver to pry wire connectors off .
1. Remove the wire connectors from the top and bottom of the Limiter (Figure 5-5-4 and figure 5-5-
5). Remove the two screws and remove the Limiter from the bracket (Figure 5-5-6 to Figure 5-5-8).
2. There is enough heat transfer paste on the tank and old Limiter to simply wipe the face of
the new Limiter against the old one (figure 5-5-9). Place into position and evenly tighten the two
screws (torque to 3.4-6.9 lbf.in) (figure 5-5-10 to figure 5-5-11).
Figure 5-5-1 Figure 5-5-2 Figure 5-5-3
Figure 5-5-4 Figure 5-5-5 Figure 5-5-6 Figure 5-5-7 Figure 5-5-8
Figure 5-5-9 Figure 5-5-10 Figure 5-5-11
SECTION 5: Electrical Component
Diagnosis and Replacement
The information and/or procedures presented in the following demonstration(s) should be performed by a trained Water Cooler
Service Technician only.
Never attempt to service or repair a water cooler while it is plugged into any power supply.
Prior to any service or repair of the water cooler, ensure that the water has been completely drained from the system.