Touch The PC Driver
Touch the PC Driver
The Crestron
Touch the PC Driver, V2 (Touch the PC V2)
licensed for use only in
conjunction with the TPS-XVGA/-BV/L Computer Interface Cards, is designed to
enable a Crestron Isys
TPS touchpanel to function as a computer touchscreen
monitor, compatible with Microsoft Windows
98/XP and Windows 2000/NT.
Touch the PC V2, as described in this manual, should be used instead of any earlier
versions, because it prevents possible confusion between left clicks and double
clicks, and is more compatible with Windows XP.
When you use the touchpanel as a monitor for a computer connected to your
Crestron control system (Cresnet
system), Touch the PC V2 lets you use your
finger on the touchpanel to simulate typical computer mouse click and drag
functions. In operation, use of Touch the PC V2 is similar to using a tablet device
(such as a graphics tablet). For example, touching the cursor and dragging it across
the screen actually creates a selection box and selects displayed items in the path, as
though you had done a left-click-and-drag operation with a regular mouse. The way
to move the cursor using Touch the PC V2 is to first select one of the Touch Action
functions and then perform the action. For example, selecting Touch None only
enables you to move the cursor around the screen—no left- or right-click functions
available. Selecting Touch Left enables you to do a left click (and drag, if desired)
where you touch the screen. Selecting Touch Right enables you to do a right click
(and drag, if desired) where you touch the screen. The buttons associated with these
functions are interlocked.
The touchpanel can connect to the personal computer (PC) running Touch the PC
V2 via a direct serial line, or it can connect to the control system via Cresnet or via
Ethernet, and the control system connects to the PC serially.
The Network/CIP Transmission Symbols are initialized automatically during control
system reboot, eliminating the use of the “todest” and “toformat” commands on the
Driver Requirements
To program the touchpanel for use with Touch the PC V2, a PC that contains
Crestron VisionTools
Pro-e (VT Pro-e) and SIMPL Windows is required. Refer to
the following table for the requirements of the touchpanel, PC, and Cresnet system.
Programmer’s Guide – DOC. 5916B
Touch the PC Driver