84 • DM NVX® 4K60 4:2:0 Network AV Encoders and Decoders
Product Manual — Doc. 9219A
Power Off and Power On Using RS-232
When RS-232 is selected as the command interface, configure Power Off and Power On settings.
RS-232 Power Off and Power On Configuration
Refer to the configuration guidelines that follow.
Command: In the text box, enter a valid command string for RS-232. The maximum length
is 128 characters.
If the format of the command is to be selected as Hex in the Format drop-down
list discussed below, the Hex command string must be entered as pairs of characters
separated by a space. Valid characters are 0-9, a-f, and A-F. An example of a command
string is as follows:
58 00 0D 0A
Terminator: In the drop-down list, select one of the following to append to the command:
None: No terminator (default setting)
CR: Carriage return