98 • DM NVX® 4K60 4:2:0 Network AV Encoders and Decoders
Product Manual — Doc. 9219A
Update User Information
In the Action column of the Users table, click the Edit icon (
) to update information about a
particular user listed in the table. The Update User pop-up dialog box opens.
Security Tab, Users Tab - Update User Pop-Up Dialog Box
The Update User pop-up dialog box displays the username and whether Active Directory
credential management is enabled for the user.
Update user information in the corresponding text boxes as follows:
Password: (Applicable when Active Directory User credential management is disabled)
Enter a new password.
Confirm Password: (Applicable when Active Directory User credential management is
disabled) Reenter the new password for confirmation.
Groups: In the drop-down list, select one or more groups to which the user is to be a
member. Available selections are as follows: Select All, Administrators, Connects,
Operators, Programmers, and Users. The list of groups also includes any groups created in
the Groups tab (refer to
for information). Clicking Select All selects all
groups. To search for a group, enter the name of the group in the search box, and then
select the check box for the desired group.
To save the changes, click OK. The dialog box closes.