Digital Video Processor
Detail View of the CNX-DVP4 Two way Serial Driver Symbol in SIMPL Windows’
Programming Manager
Serial Driver symbols enable serial communication between devices on the Cresnet
network, using the RS-232 protocol.
The <
> (transmit) and <
> (receive) signals transmit serial data to and from the
COM port in whatever format is specified for the device in Configuration Manager.
The protocol that a device expects will be described in the manufacturer's
documentation and includes the speed of communication (baud rate), error checking
(parity), the number of data bits and stop bits, and any hardware or software
handshaking that may be required to control the flow of data between devices.
Some devices require a <break> to enable synchronization. The <break> input drives
the transmit pin of the associated COM port low, thus interrupting transmission of
data. The CNX-DVP4 sends out approximately 20 bits of logic low to do a break.
The <rts> (request to send) input and the <cts> (clear to send) output are hardware
handshaking signals for use in applications where explicit handshaking control is
required. These signals are enabled
when the Hardware Handshake setting of
the device is set to
in Configuration Manager.
For more information, refer to the SIMPL Windows help file.
Operations Guide – DOC. 8170A
Digital Video Processor: CNX- DVP4