Integrated Control System
Relay Output Connector
On the rear panel there are eight normally open, isolated relays. Each relay is rated
1A, 30 VAC/DC; MOV arc suppression is provided across contacts for use with “real
world” loads.
I/O Connector
On the rear panel there are eight software programmable analog and digital inputs as
well as digital outputs. Digital outputs offer 250mA sync from maximum 24 VDC;
catch diodes for use with “real world” loads. Digital inputs are rated 0 - 24 VDC, 20K
ohms input impedance, logic threshold 1.25 VDC. Analog inputs are rated 0 - 10
VDC, protected to 24 VDC maximum, 20K ohms input impedance; pin-
programmable 2K ohms pullup resistor to +5V.
Infrared - Serial Output Connector
On the rear panel there are eight serial outputs for IR, one-way RS-232, or serial
interface. Each output is labeled S (signal) and G (ground). Infrared output is rated up
to 1.2 MHz. Serial protocols include RS-232.
RS-232 levels on the infrared – serial output connectors provide a 0 – 5V
range, which may not be compatible with all devices.
COM (A - F)
COM (A - F) Connectors
On the rear panel there are six software programmable bidirectional serial ports for
RS-232, RS-422, or RS-485 communication with hardware and software
handshaking. Speeds are rated up to 230,400 bps.
The pinout of each 9-pin port is non-standard (refer to table after this note,
titled “Non-Standard COM Pinout” ); it contains RS-422 pins in addition to RS-232.
Integrated Control System: CNMSX
Operations Guide - DOC. 8118B