Integrated Control System
"Update Control System" Dialog Box
4. After a file is selected, the
button and
What to Send
portion of the
"Update Control System" dialog box become active so that the user can
determine which versions of the Operating system, Monitor ROM, and
TCP/IP Stack to update.
5. If the CNMSX does not have the optional CNX Ethernet expansion
card, uncheck the TCP/IP Stack option to transfer faster (transferring the
stack will not cause any problems). Otherwise, send all of the checked
components. To start the transfer, click the
button. The transfer
dialog will inform you of the progress in updating the selected
6. As a result of the update, a dialog box similar to below may open and
the SIMPL program (and possibly SIMPL+ modules) must be cleared.
"Continue with transfer?" Selection Box
7. Upload the SIMPL program and SIMPL+ modules after the transfer is
Integrated Control System: CNMSX
Operations Guide - DOC. 8118B