5. Changing the Bowden Tube
Over time the Bowden tube connecting the extruder to the nozzle can deteriorate in the hot end, especially at hot print temperatures.
Also the constant flexing of the tube can cause it to rub on the internal clamps in the pneumatic connections causing it to weaken.
If this occurs it will need to be replaced.
This is regarded as normal wear and tear and is not covered under the warranty.
To replace the tube:
● Follow the instructions above for removing the nozzle, remove if completely.
Remove the clip from the pneumatic fitting at the top of the hot end, press
the collar in to release the internal clamps and pull out the old tube. Repeat
the process at the extruder pneumatic fitting.
If the tube has distorted and will not release from the pneumatic fittings
unscrew them from the Extruder and hot end, in that case it is recommended
to replace the pneumatic fittings along with the tube.
● If the tube does not release from the hot end heat it up to 180˚ to melt any
filament which may be holding it in.
It is a good idea to check that the hole down the centre of the hot end is clean
and free from any bits of filament before inserting the new tube.
Make sure the top end of the nozzle is clean and screw it back into the heater
block finger tight and slacken it by 1 full turn.
Make sure the ends of the new tube are cut cleanly and squarely and that the
pneumatic fittings are firmly screwed in. Press the collar in on the fitting at the
top of the hot end and firmly push the new tube in until it is firmly seated
against the top of the nozzle.
● Follow the instructions above for replacing the nozzle.
Paneumatic Coupling
Heat Sink
Bowden Tube
Heat Break
Heater Block