User’s Manual
set the guide lAnguAge
Begin at the Language Options Menu:
With the highlight bar on Guide Language,
press the RIGHT arrow or SELECT button to
view the options for Guide Language.
Use the UP or DOWN arrow to highlight the
appropriate option. Press SELECT.
Press the LEFT arrow to return to the
Language Options Menu or press EXIT to
return to live television.
bAnner durAtion
You can change the amount of time that Info Banners are displayed.
To edit Banner duration, begin at the Settings Menu:
Use the UP or DOWN arrow to highlight Banner Duration. Press the RIGHT arrow or SELECT
button to move the highlight to the center card.
Use the UP or DOWN arrow to highlight your choice. You can choose short, medium or long
banners. Press SELECT.
Press the LEFT arrow to return to the Settings Menu or press EXIT to return to live television.
power on ChAnnel
The Program Guide lets you decide which channel will appear each time you turn on your TV.
To set the Power On Channel, begin at the Settings Menu:
Use the UP or DOWN arrow to highlight Power On Channel. Press the RIGHT arrow or SELECT
button to move the highlight to the channel list in the center card.
Use the UP and DOWN arrows to highlight a channel. Alternatively, you can simply enter the
channel number using the number (0–9) keys. Press SELECT to confirm.
If you wish to manually enter a channel number for the Power On Channel, select Enter
Channel and press SELECT. Enter the channel number and press SELECT to set the channel.
Press the LEFT arrow to return to the Settings Menu or press EXIT to return to live television.
Guide Language allows you to change the language of your
Guide from English to Spanish and vice versa.