PowerBox-Systems − World Leaders in RC Power Supply Systems
This is the procedure: use the arrow buttons to select the point you wish to adjust. Briefly press the displayed setting at
then adjust the servo for this position. The
Smooth button
can be used to even out the course of the curve. Right at the bottom
you will find a
Reset button
which sets the curve back to a straight line. Once you have set the desired curve, return to the Ser-
vo Curve menu, where you will find three Preview buttons:
- Servo curve
This displays the shape of the pure servo curve.
- Function curve
This displays the shape of the pure function curve. If you have
already set up Expo or Dual Rates, this will be shown in this
- Result
This displays the net result of the function curve and the servo
If you wish, you can reset the servo curve once you return
to the Servo Overview. If you accidentally find yourself at the
Reset button, that is not a problem: simply select the Curve
Editor again, and the curve will still be present there with the
settings you last selected.