High Speed Dome Camera Introduction Manual
Dome Title
Motion Lock [ON/OFF]
To set the motion lock on/off. If the function was turned on
all of the scanning will be locked user can not delete such as
preset,swing,pattern and group.
Freeze in Preset [ON/OFF]
At start point of preset movement, camera
starts freezing the image of start point. Camera keeps
displaying the image of start point during preset movement
and does not display the images which camera gets during
preset movement. As soon as camera stops at preset end
point, camera starts displaying live imageswhich it gets at
preset end point.This function availability should be different
by models.
Auto Flip [ON/OFF]
When the camera tilts downward and goes just beyond the
vertical position, the camera will rotate 180 degrees.
Jog Direction
If you set this to 'Inverse', the view in the screen is moving
same direction with jog tilting. If 'Normal' is selected, the
view in the screen is moving reversely.
Dome Max Speed [10~360]
Sets maximum jog speed. Jog speed is inversely
proportional to zoom magnification. As zoom magnification
goes up, pan/tilt speed goes down
Dome Title
Edits Label to show on monitor when preset runs MAX. 10
alphabets are allowed. Enter edit label, “?” cursor will be
displayed on the screen, using left/right of joystick to select
character, and using up/down to move cursor, After inputting,
press “OPEN” key to save and exit the setting.