user instructions TWIN80C_EN
2006 Coopra
Advanced Heating Technologies b.v.
All rights reserved.
The information supplied in this document is based on general data with regard to constructions, material characteristics and working
methods known at the time of going to print. Therefore, we reserve the right to make changes without notification. For this reason, the
instructions given serve only as a guideline for the use of the units shown on the cover of this document.
This document is valid for the unit in its standard version. Therefore, the manufacturer cannot be held liable for any damage arising
from specifications that deviate from the standard version of the unit delivered to you.
This document has been compiled with all possible care. However, the manufacturer cannot be held liable for any mistakes in this
document or for any consequences.
Take the time to read this document carefully before installing or using the unit. Always keep this document near the unit.
Coopra Advanced Heating Technologies b.v.
Vierlinghstraat 14
NL 3316 EL Dordrecht
Tel: +31 (0) 78 – 653 08 30
Fax: +31 (0) 78 – 653 08 33