user instructions TWIN80C_EN
Cascade options
Power mode (default)
Both units run simultaneously. Menu parameter “o” = 1
At low and at high heat demand both units run simultaneously.
Cascade selection : menu parameter “.o” = 1
Heat input (gross)
16.2 – 82.2 kW
Heat input (net)
14.6 – 74.0 kW
Nominal output at 80/60ºC
14.1 – 72.0 kW
Nominal output at 50/30ºC
15.6 – 75.3 kW
Efficiency at 80/60ºC (net)
Low load = 96.6 %
High load = 97.2 %
Efficiency at 50/30ºC (net)
Low load = 106.9 %
High load = 101.8 %
When the room thermostat or space unit indicates that heat is
required for central or under floor heating, both units will heat
simultaneously. The Master print calculates the system flow
temperature and divides the necessary power over both units
equally. The speeds of both fans are automatically adapted to
the heat required, also with the use of an on/off thermostat.
When the room thermostat or space unit indicates that the
desired temperature has been reached, the central heating
water is no longer heated. The unit pumps will continue to run
for a previously set time to distribute the heat evenly over the
heating installation.
Comfort mode (field adjustable)
Menu parameter “o” has to be set onto the value 0
At low heat demand a single unit runs independently.
At high heat demand both units run simultaneously.
Cascade selection : menu parameter “.o” = 0
Heat input (gross)
8.1 – 82.2 kW
Heat input (net)
7.3 – 74.0 kW
Nominal output at 80/60ºC
7.0 – 72.0 kW
Nominal output at 50/30ºC
7.8 – 75.3 kW
Efficiency at 80/60ºC (net)
Low load = 96.0 %
High load = 97.2 %
Efficiency at 50/30ºC (net)
Low load = 106.3 %
High load = 101.8 %
When the room thermostat or space unit indicates that heat is
required a single unit will start-up, while the other unit remains
stand-by. The unit priority will change each 24 hours.
When the heat required is twice low fire, the second unit will be
started as well. Both units will heat simultaneously. The Master
print calculates the system flow temperature and divides the
necessary power over both units equally. The speeds of both
fans are automatically adapted to the heat required, also with
the use of an on/off thermostat.