PoolWarden Manual www.poolwardentraining.com 530-205-4520 20
ORP1 and ORP2 Relay Configuration
In the Relay Setup Menu scroll down to the ORP1 or ORP2 relay and press
enter. The following lists all of the commands and what they do. The
command values can be changed, but the commands themselves are only
changed when changing the relay control type. When adding the TrueDPD
or updating the software that has updated commands the relay control type
must be updated for the list of commands to also be updated.
Manual Time 00:02:00:
Is the amount of time you can set a relay to
turn on manually (Default Setting 2 Minutes). To turn the relay on
manually you have to do so in the service menu which will be covered
in the next section. When you turn on the relay manually in the service
menu, the relay will be on for 2 minutes in this case. To change the
time, simply enter the new time and hit the Enter Key to save.
LockOn Time 00:00:00:
This setting is only located in the ORP Relay
menu. The factory default setting is zero “0”. This is a setting for when
the the ORP relay is in pH Lockout. It allows for some chlorine to feed
into the pool for the programmed time instead of none at all while the
relay is in pH Lockout. pH Lockout will be discussed in the Off If pH >
0.00 section. The “LockOffTime” below must be set as well to make
sure there is a period of off time during the day. You would have to
calculate how many gallons the pool would need in a day and then
calculate how long the feed pumps need to be On and Off during the
day to feed that amount.
LockOffTime 00:00:00:
This is a setting for the off time of the cycle when the the ORP relay is in pH
Lockout. Both LockOn and LockOff allows for some chlorine to feed instead of none at all while the relay is
in pH Lockout.
ORP Over Run (for erosion feeders and salt systems):
ORP Over Run allows for 0, 5, 10 or 15mv to be
added to the setpoint, it will turn on at the setpoint, and off at the setpoint plus this value.
Off If pH > 0.00:
pH Lockout Command. The default setting is zero “0” or disabled. ORP is highly
dependant on pH. In other words, a high pH reduces the killing effectiveness of the sanitizer and has a
direct effect on lowering the ORP reading even though there may be an ample amount of sanitizer in the
water. pH Lockout helps to prevent chlorine overfeed. A typical pH Lockout setting is 8.0 and will lockout
the ORP relay when pH reaches 8.0 or higher. This command has been moved before the PPM control
command if the TrueDPD sensor is enabled to only effect control from the ORP sensor.
On If PPM < 2.0 (Requires TrueDPD sensor):
This is the PPM set-point and the factory default setting is
2.0. The relay will turn the chemical feed pump on if the measured PPM reading is less than 2.0.
And if PPM> 0.0 (Requires TrueDPD sensor):
The TrueDPD sensor will read a 0.0 level if out of DPD
reagent. Set this command to Yes if that is a possibility to not allow feeding with a 0.0 PPM level.
On Delay 00:00:20:
The on delay, in this case 20 seconds, is necessary to prevent the relay and hence
the chemical feed pump from turning on and off frequently if the sensor measurement fluctuates back and
Proportional 10% (for liquid CL):
The Proportional
value (Default Setting 10%) means that as the
measured ORP reading gets to within 10% of the
ORP setpoint, the amount of relay on-time will
proportionally decrease as the reading gets closer
and closer to the setpoint. Proportional feed helps to
prevent chemical overshoot.
On If ORP < 700:
This is the ORP set-point and the
factory default setting is 700. The relay will turn the
chemical feed pump on if the measured ORP
reading is less than 700.