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Mechanical dimensions (mm)
Technical characteristics
Auxiliary supply
Rated voltage
90÷250 VAC/DC
20÷60 VAC / 24÷85 VDC (optional)
Rated frequency
50/60 Hz or DC
External protection fuse (suggestion)
1 A time lag for 90-250 VAC/DC
3.15 A time lag for 20-60 VAC/DC
Max power consumption
Max 10 VA
Min 3 VA
Measuring inputs
Frequency of the relative fundamental
50/60 Hz
Method of measuring
True RMS value
Measurement rate
Values on the display refreshed ~ 200ms
Up to 63
harmonics in accordance with EN 62053-22
AC voltage inputs
Type of input
Three phase + neutral
Voltage range
30÷400 VAC (Vph-n)
52÷690 VAC (Vph-ph)
Permitted overvoltage
Max 480 VAC (Vph-n)
Max 830 VAC (Vph-ph)
Higher voltages only if using voltage transformers
Input resistance (ph-n)
1.65 Mohms
Power consumption per phase
AC current inputs
Rated current
1 A or 5 A
Measuring range
For 1 A scale: 10 mA÷1 A
For 5 A scale: 50 mA÷5 A
Type of input
Isolated inputs by internal CT.
CT supplied by an external current transformer. Max 5 A.
1.3 A for 1 A
6.5 A for 5 A
Power consumption per phase
0.001 VA
Measuring accuracy
40 ÷ 70 Hz
Power factor / Cos
± 1.000
Active energy
Class 1 in accordance with EN 62053-21
Class 0.5S in accordance with EN 62053-22 (optional)
Class 0.2S in accordance with EN 62053-22 (optional)
When measuring on external current transformers or voltage transformers, the accuracy of the measurement depends on the quality of the transformer
Digital outputs
Number of outputs
2 (standard), 4 (optional)
Photo-MOS (solid state)
External power supply
12÷250 VAC / 150 mA
10÷300 VDC / 150 mA
Insulation voltage
2.5 kV for a duration of 1 minute
Pulse output (Ton min 30 ms / Toff min 30 ms) / status / alarm