Authentication: There are 10 kinds of authentication types? Open System or Shared Key, Open
System, Open System with 802.1x, Shared Key, WPA, WPAPSK, WPA2, WPA2PSK, WPAWPA2,
Encryption: There are four types of encryption settings, please set the key depending on the real
environment. According to the type and length, there are four Key types:
64-bit – Enter 10-digit Hex values or 5-digit ASCII values as the encryption keys. For example:
“0123456aef” or “Guest.”
128-bit – Enter 26-digit Hex values or 13-digit ASCII values as the encryption keys. For example:
“01234567890123456789abcdef” or “administrator.”
TKIP – It is short for Temporal Key Integrity Protocol. TKIP scrambles the key using a hashing
algorithm and, by adding an integrity-checking feature, ensures that the keys haven’t been tam-
pered with.
AES – Short for Advanced Encryption Standard, a symmetric 128-bit block data encryption
technique. It works at multiple network layers simultaneously and has a fixed block size of 128-
bits and a key size of 128, 192, or 256-bits.
Pass Phrase: It’s also named Shared Secret which is used only when enabling WPA-PSK/WPA2-
PSKauthentication. A passphrase is a string of characters longer than the usual password (which is
typically from four to 16 characters long) that is used in creating a digital signature (an encoded sig-
nature that proves to someone that it was really you who sent a message) or in an encryption or a
decryption of a message. It is applicable only when you select WPA-PSK authentication. You will
need to enter an 8~63 characters password to start the encryption process, which will generate four
WEP keys automatically.