7. LAN Setup
On the LAN Network Settings page (Network -> LAN Setup), you can set up LAN IP address; moreover,
you can enable DHCP Server function to assign IP addresses to users on the LAN.
DHCP stands for Dynamic Host Control Protocol. MZK-W04NU Wireless Router has a built-in DHCP
server which can automatically assign an IP address to those computers/devices on the LAN/private net-
work. If you enable DHCP server, the client device will obtain an IP address automatically. Whenever you
turn on the computer, the client device will automatically load the proper TCP/IP settings from MZK-
W04NU. The DHCP server will allocate an unused IP address from the IP address pool to the requesting
computer, but you must specify the beginning and ending address of the IP address pool.
IP address: Here is the IP address of the LAN side of MZK-W04NU. It is usually the default gateway
of the client’s PC. The default IP address is “”.
Subnet Mask: The Subnet Mask of the LAN side of MZK-W04NU is “”.
DHCP Server
DHCP Server: Click to “Enabled” the DHCP server of MZK-W04NU.
Start Address/End Address: Please enter the first and the last IP addresses which MZK-W04NU
distribute IP addresses to. The IP addresses in this range can get assigned IP addresses from MZK-
W04NU. (However, all the PCs on the same LAN should use the same subnet mask.)
Apply: Click this button to save the settings.
Clear: If there is anything wrong with the settings you made, you can click “Clear” to configure the
page again.
Note: if the AP/Router switch has been switched to AP mode, MZK-W04NU’s IP address will be, DHCP will be disabled, and you will not be able to make any changes to the WAN