GSM Scout Serie
Softwareversion 37
Set device active by SMS:
In addition to the input it is possible to set the device active / de-active by
SMS. This can be done by sending an SMS with the text „Scharf” (set ac-
tive) or „Unscharf” (set de-active) to the device. Please note the use of
capital letters! If the device is activated or de-activated depends on the
event that happened at last! The corresponding SMS as well as a change at
the input is performed by the device!
The input „Einbruch“ (robbery) is foreseen for a slope of contacts (e.g. at
doors and windows). At this input as well a LED indicates, whether the con-
tact is closed or open. If this input is not used it is recommended to close
the input by using a short wire.
The input „Einbruch” (robbery) is the only one for which the
open circuit is understood as the event (robbery). If the contact
is open the SMS is sent (SMS only, if device activated).
In order to allow an entering of the object (e.g. house) without
causing a alarme by SMS a delay of 30 seconds is foreseen. The
SMS „Einbruch“ (robbery) is sent with a delay of 30 seconds.
Please notice that the input „Einbruch“ (robbery) may have
another function when the Ssf- functions are used (for details
please look at chapter 12 „Ssf- functions“).
The input „Wasser“ (water) is for the contact of a water-level switch. The
LED corresponding to this input shows the condition of this input. A SMS is
sent, if the switch or contact of this input is closed (SMS only, if the device
is switched into the actice mode).
The input „Feuer“ (fire) is for the contact of a fire- or smoke- detector. The
LED corresponding to this input shows the condition of this input. A SMS is
sent, if the switch or contact of this input is closed (SMS only, if the device
is switched into the actice mode).
The input „Aux“ (auxilliaries) is for any deliberately switching contact. The
LED corresponding to this input shows the condition of this input. A SMS is