GSM Scout Serie
Softwareversion 37
To activate the Ssf- function the setting of the Mini- DIP- switches 1 and 2 has to
be changed:
Using the Ssf- mode the GPS function of the GSM Scout GPS is
de- activated. This function has to be re- activated by using Ssf-
key 8.
The Ssf- functions are activated by a key that is stored on the SIM- card.
Name Number
Ssf0000000000 „none“
Please take in mind that the Ssf- key neccessarily has to be
found on the SIM- card (phonebook):
The Ssf- key defines ten different special functiones by ten different positiones
that have to be set to „0“ or „1“. In the example as shown above all funktiones are
de- activated by „0”. To activate a Ssf- function the specific position of the key has to
be set from „0“ to „1“.The ten positiones can handle the following functions:
Ssf 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
a b c d e f g h i j
On Scout & Scout activ
On Not used
off Ssf- functions
Off Scout GPS