GSM Scout Serie
Softwareversion 37
ceive SMS. So, it is possible to perform remote functiones. The GSM Scout GPS is
able permanently to detect the current geographic position of an object as well as to
send a message if a stored position is left.
The GSM Scout series has 5 inputs for schwitches or relay contacts. (refering Fig.2
a= AUX (auxilliaries), b= FEUER (fire), c= WASSER (water), d= EINBRUCH (rob-
bery), e= SCHARF (set device active). No voltage is allowed to be connected to
those inputs. They are solely foreseen for switches or relay- contacts without any
electrical potential!
The contacts of the inputs solely are foreseen for switches with-
out any electrical potential. It is not allowed to connect any vol-
With the input „SCHARF“ (set device active) (e) the functionesd of the de-
vice are activated. After the contact is closed the GSM Scout becomes ac-
tive after a delay time of 40 seconds. This delay time is programmed in
order to leave the object (e.g. house). The light emitting diode ( „LED“) cor-
responding with the input shows the status of the input (switch closed /
open). It does not indicate that the device really is active. Whether the de-
vice is active or not is indicated by the “status LED 1 “ at the left side of the
device’s housing.