GSM Scout Serie
Softwareversion 37
The digital out are relays that provide a
common”, a
normally open” and a
mally closed” contact:
(„normally closed“)
(„normally open)
The GSM Scout with those relays react on the following SMS that have to be sent at
the phone number of the SIM- card that is inserted into the device. (Please type in
the space characters in your SMS!):
SMS with the text Rel.1 + resp. Rel.2 + mean that the specific relay will
be switched on.
SMS with the text Rel.1 - resp. Rel.2 - mean that the specific relay will
be switched off.
SMS with the text Rel.1 nnn resp. Rel.2 nnn mean that the specific relay
will be switches om for nnn seconds. The value of nnn may vary between
001 and 600 seconds for on- times 1 up to 600 sekonds (the leading “zero”
have to be in the SMS- text!).
SMS that do not comply with the definition mentioned above will be ignored
by the device.