GSM Scout Serie
Softwareversion 37
The correct voltage, as indicated on the identification label has to be
For other power- supply (12 Volt battery, mains power 115 / 230 Volt, etc.)
you can buy suited accessories from the manufacturer.
As well available from the manufacturer are accu- stations and charging-
cables for different types of accus and batteries.
After the power supply was connected the device will perform a self- test. LED 1,
LED 2 and LED 3 (look at Fig.2) flash once for a short time.
Please note: When the Ssf-Function is activated all three LED
will flash in a high frequency.
To control the function of the device please look at LED 2 and LED 3. If the
device is set to the „active mode” those LED show whether the GSM Scout
get contact to the GSM- provider (LED 2) and whether the informations of
the SIM- card had been read successfully (LED 3). If so, you should test the
device by performing the events at the inputs. To do this you can short cir-
cuit the inputs Aux („a“ Fig.2) Feuer („b“ Fig.2) und Wasser („c“ Fig.2) by
a short wire. Because input 4 has an invertierted function („d“ Fig.2) this
event will send a SMS- message if the input is left open.
9. Remote switching (GSM Scout active /GPS only)
Exceeding the functionality of the GSM Scout the GSM Scout active and GSM
Scout GPS have the additional feature that two relays are built in that allow remote
switching functions. The termination block for those relays can be found on the PCB
at the left side (Fig. 5).