Get Self Test Results Command
On this board, no self test results are available via this command. The PC BIOS runs a Power
On Self Test (POST) sequence, but the results of these tests are reported only via on-screen
messages and flashes of the POST LED.
The IPMI command returns codes of 55h (meaning not supported) in the Self-Test: Results field
and 00h in the Self-Test: Supplemental Information field of the response message.
Watchdog Commands
The basic timing function of the watchdog is controlled by a 16-bit timer with 100ms ticks giving a
watchdog timing period between 0 and 6553.5 seconds. The watchdog can optionally be
programmed to generate either NMI or SMI interrupts at a fixed interval (specified in seconds)
before the watchdog expires. This is termed a pre-interrupt. The watchdog when it expires can
be programmed to perform no action, reset the board and either power-off or power cycle the
board. The watchdog can also generate an internal event which is stored in the System Event
The watchdog is disabled following a power on or a reset
Example source code for controlling the Watchdog timer is provided in Section 7.5.2.
SEL and SDR Commands
The SEL and SDR Repository Timestamp counters are the same on this board. This means that
operations affecting one of these counters also affect the other.
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Intelligent Platform Manager Interface
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