After footage has been archived from a VXH264D, it can be reviewed on a Pc system.
Insert the backup cD/DVD or USb stick in the Pc and view the contents using
windows explorer.
The following files are included in the backup:
Arch_info: This file contains detailed information about the archive set. Double click to
view it.
ch##: An AVI video file containing the archive footage for a single channel. Depending
on the archive, there will be upto 16 AVI files listed.
backupPlayer.exe. This is the playback software necessary to view the archive files
Setup.exe: Installs the Imm4 codec. This is required if the user chooses to play back
archive files using windows media Player.
other files in the player folder, i.e bplayer, bplayer_logo, comfig, ijl15.aII, lAnG_enG
are not used.
bAckUP PlAyeR
To view archives backed up from a VXH264D, double click the backupplayer application located
in the PlAyeR folder.
to choose which archive file to playback.
Playback of the archive file begins.
The controls under the display can be used to adjust playback direction and speed.
Note: VXH264D archive files can also be viewed using windows media player but no on screen information (such as time and date) is displayed.
For this reason, it is always recommended that Backupplayer is used to view archive files.
Archive set file names
when a backup is created on the VXH264D, a folder is first created on the backup device so that the operator can easily identify the
archive set at a later stage.
For example the folder, F:\ARCHIVE_100803_115810 is an archive set that was created on 3rd August 2010 at 11:58:10.
Each individual archive file is also named for easy identification.
For example, US_ch01_10803115532_10803115632_00_8mB_admin is a backup of channel 1 from 11:55 on 3rd August 2010 to 11:56 on
3rd August 2010 with a file size of 8mB created by an ADmIN user.