To set-up User management options, highlight USeR and press
by default the VXH264D is configured with a USeR ID of ADmIn belonging to the ADmIn group
and with a password of 1234.
As well as the ability to add new users, existing users defaults can be modified.
The maximum number of users that can be created is 8.
To modify user details, highlight the user with the blue cursor or press
. The eDIT
screen appears.
USeR ID: edit the user ID using the virtual keyboard. (max 10 characters).
PASSwoRD: change the password using the virtual keyboard. (max 8 characters)
Please note: To delete the existing password use the
on the virtual keyboard.
GRoUP: Users can be assigned by one of three groups. ADmIn, mAnAGeR, USeR.
e-mAIl: enter the user’s email address if email notifications are required.
e-mAIl noTI: enable or disable email notification for the particular user.
mAIn SeRVeR: Select which SmTP mail Sever you are assigning to this user.
PLEASE NOTE: For security reason, it is recommended that the ADmIN user password
is changed as soon as possible.
To add users: Highlight ADD or press enTeR. The new user can be added using the steps
outlined above.
USeR: USeR mAnAGemenT