S Series
1. Read page 7:1 “General rules, Service”.
2. Read page 2:14 “General rules, Safety equipment”.
Check that all parts of the safety equipment are
3. Read page 2:17 “Safety switch” and “Star knob”.
4. Check that the safety switch(es) is/are functioning.
Check one safety switch at the time:
5. Safety switch, Hopper:
a) Start the granulator. >Page 5:1.
b) Stop feeding material. Wait until all material have
been fully granulated.
c) Unscrew the hopper’s star knob. Release the
switch key from the safety switch.
>Page 6:2 “Open the hopper”.
d) Check that the granulator stops. If the granulator
stops, the safety switch(es) is/are functioning and
the granulator can be operated again.
Danger! If the granulator continues working,
although the switch key has been released from the
safety switch, the granulator must be stopped
manually at once. >Page 5:1. There is a serious
risk of personal injury! Contact the personnel
responsible for the machine’s service and safety.
e) Tighten the hopper’s star knob.
>Page 6:4 “Close the hopper”.
6. Safety switch, Granule bin:
a) Repeat point 5 a–b and then proceed to point 6 b.
b) Unscrew the granule bin’s star knob. Release the
switch key from the safety switch. Remove the
granule bin. >Page 6:3 “Open the granule bin”.
c) Repeat point 5 d and the proceed to point 6 d.
d) Tighten the granule bin’s star knob.
>Page 6:3 “Close the granule bin”.
Check the safety equipment
(A) = Star knob
(B) = Switch key
(C) = Safety switch