TRP1000-4450 Troposcatter C-Band Outdoor Amplifier
Revision 0
Serial-based Remote Product Management
Basic Protocol
Whether in EIA-232 or EIA-485 mode, all data is transmitted as asynchronous serial characters, suitable for transmission and reception by
a UART. The character format should be 8N1 (8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit). The baud rate may vary between 2400 and 38400 baud.
All data is transmitted in framed packets. The Controller is assumed to be a PC or ASCII dumb terminal, which is in charge of the process
of monitor and control. The Controller is the only device that is permitted to initiate, at will, the transmission of data. Targets are only
permitted to transmit when they have been specifically instructed to do so by the Controller.
All bytes within a packet are printable ASCII characters, less than ASCII code 127. In this context, the Carriage Return and Line Feed
characters are considered printable.
All messages from Controller-to-Target require a response – with one exception. This will be either to return data that has been requested
by the Controller, or to acknowledge reception of an instruction to change the configuration of the Target. The exception to this is when the
Controller broadcasts a message (such as Set time/date) using Address 0, when the Target is set to EIA-485 mode.
Packet Structure
The exchange of information is transmitted, Controller-to-Target and Target-to-Controller, in ‘
’. Each packet contains a finite
number of bytes consisting of printable ASCII characters, excluding ASCII code 127.
In this context, the Carriage Return and Line Feed characters are considered printable. With one exception, all messages from Controller-
to-Target require a response – this will be either to return data that has been requested by the Controller, or to acknowledge reception of
an instruction to change the configuration of the Target.
Start of Packet
Target Address
Address Delimiter
Instruction Code
Code Qualifier
Optional Arguments
End of Packet
ASCII code 60
(1 character)
(4 characters)
ASCII code 47
(1 character)
(3 characters)
=or ?
ASCII codes 61 or 63
(1 character)
(n characters)
Carriage Return
ASCII code 13
(1 character)