Replication of Microsoft SQL Server
Appendix A: Troubleshooting and Disaster Recovery 95
4305 or 4326
The log in this backup set terminates at …, which is too early to apply to
the database.
An attempt was made to restore transaction logs out of order, with an older log
being restored after a newer one or an attempt was made to restore a
transaction log after a more recent backup.
Restore the last full or differential database backup again and reapply the
transaction logs in the order in which they were backed up.
For additional information, see the
Microsoft SQL Server Books Online
Limitations of Microsoft SQL Server Database
Microsoft SQL Server databases have the following limitations:
If you have named a Microsoft SQL database with a special character (for
example, /, *, <>, or ?), by default, Microsoft SQL Server names the file,
FileGroup, or database with the same characters. To perform a backup or
restore job, rename the file, FileGroup, or database so it does not include
one of these special characters. In addition, the bracket characters, ( [ ] ) are
not supported for any object names.
If you use the Log Point in Time restore option for Microsoft SQL Server 7.0,
or the Stop at time, Stop at log mark, or Stop before log mark options for
Microsoft SQL Server 2000, and the specified time stamp or mark is not
found by the Microsoft SQL Server, the database remains in a loading state
and the job result is incomplete.
Replication of Microsoft SQL Server
According to Microsoft, the replication capability of Microsoft SQL Server is not
specifically designed to accomplish hot backups. See the
Microsoft SQL Server
Database Administrator Guide
for more information about how to back up and
restore in a replication scenario.