Restore Overview
Appendix C: Backup and Recovery Best Practices 123
When using the Simple Recovery Model, you cannot perform a Database
Differential backup after a Partial Full backup, until you first perform another
Database Full backup. For all recovery models, if you perform a Partial Full
backup after a Database Differential backup, the Partial Full backup will be
dependent on the Database Differential backup as a pre-requisite.
In SQL Server 7.0 and 2000, a Database Differential backup is
dependent on any Files and FileGroup backups that might be between it and the
previous Database Full backup. However, in SQL Server 2005 and later, a
Database Differential or Partial Differential backup is dependent on any
intervening Full backups, including Files and FileGroups Full and Partial Full
backups. The Automatic Selection feature cannot detect this condition. If you
mix Files and FileGroup backups with Database Differential and Partial
Differential backups in SQL Server 2005, you may need to assemble the restore
sequences manually.
Restore Overview
is to load a database from a backup of that database and (if
applicable) one or more backups of its Transaction log. If a database is lost or
damaged, you can restore the database by reloading the most recent database
backup and the successive log backups. A restore overwrites any information in
the database with the backed up information. Use CA ARCserve Backup and the
Agent for Microsoft SQL Server to perform restore operations using the Microsoft
SQL Server Restore statement.
When you restore a database that is live and online, Microsoft SQL Server rolls
back any uncommitted transactions that were active at the moment the restore
job began. When the restore operation is complete, the database is in the same
state it was in when the Backup statement for the backup used in the restore job
was initiated, excluding any transactions that were active at that point.
As the data from the backup is being restored, Microsoft SQL Server reinitializes
any remaining unused pages. For example, if a 100 MB database contains only 5
MB of data, Microsoft SQL Server rewrites all 100 MB of space. Consequently, it
takes at least as long to restore a database as it does to create a database.