Restore Databases Using Restore by Tree Method
Chapter 4: Restoring Microsoft SQL Server Databases 57
Restore Databases Using Restore by Tree Method
To restore using the Restore by Tree method
On the Restore Manager Source tab, select Restore by Tree from the
drop-down list.
In the navigation tree, expand the computer from which the database was
backed up to view the database instances. Click the yellow database icon to
expand the database instance containing the database you want to restore
and click the database name to select it.
To use the most recent backup, go to the following step.
To use a backup other than the most recent one, click Version History. The
Version History dialog opens.
Version History provides information on the media name attached to
each backup session, its backup session number, backup method, and the
date and time the backup was made. You can select the session to restore
from the backup media using Version History.
Right-click the database name you selected and choose Agent Options from
the pop-up window. The Agent Restore Options dialog appears. The dialog
varies depending on the backup method of the selected session and the
version of SQL Server from which the database was backed up.
Perform one of the following to select restore options:
Click OK to accept the default options and allow the Automatic Selection
option select the appropriate restore sequence and options for the
restore job. The Automatic Selection option is the default option for
every restore job.
Manually select the options you want to use for this restore sequence
and click OK. For more information about options, see Restore Options.
The Automatic Selection option on the Agent Restore
Options dialog automatically selects the sessions which must be restored
and applies the selected options appropriately to each session.
On the Source tab, ensure that the session you want to restore is selected.