Chapter 1: Introducing the Agent 11
Chapter 1: Introducing the Agent
This section contains the following topics:
(see page 11)
Architectural Overview
(see page 12)
How the Agent Works
(see page 13)
Microsoft SQL - CA ARCserve Backup Compatibility Matrix
(see page 16)
Agent Activity Log
(see page 17)
Online Backup of SAP R/3 Databases
(see page 17)
Agent for ARCserve Database
(see page 18)
CA ARCserve Backup is a comprehensive, distributed storage solution for
applications, databases, distributed servers, and file systems. It provides backup
and restore capabilities for databases, business-critical applications, and
network clients.
Among the agents CA ARCserve Backup offers is the CA ARCserve Backup Agent
for Microsoft SQL Server. This agent enables you to perform the following
Back up your Microsoft SQL Server databases using CA ARCserve Backup
without taking your database off-line or preventing users from adding new
Manage backups of Microsoft SQL Server databases remotely
Schedule backups
Back up to a wide array of media storage devices
Restore Microsoft SQL Server databases using CA ARCserve Backup
The agent handles all communications between CA ARCserve Backup and
Microsoft SQL Server during backup and restore jobs, including preparing,
retrieving, and processing the data packets that are sent back and forth between
Microsoft SQL Server and CA ARCserve Backup.