Installation Considerations
Chapter 2: Installing the Agent 23
Installation Considerations
The following should be considered before installing the CA ARCserve Backup
Agent for Microsoft SQL Server:
Installing 32-bit components on a 64-bit machine generates two copies of
the file PortsConfig.cfg on the machine. The PortsConfig.cfg file for the 64-bit
components is in c:\Program Files\CA\SharedComponents\CA ARCserve
Backup, and the PortsConfig.cfg file for the 32-bit components is in
c:\Program Files (x86)\CA\SharedComponents\CA ARCserve Backup. If you
make changes to one, you must make the same changes to the other, or the
components may not be able to contact one another.
The Agent is always installed in the version native to your computer's
The Agent requires Named Pipes and TCP/IP protocols enabled on the SQL
server to communicate.
If you uninstall a Microsoft SQL Server instance, some components used by
other Microsoft SQL Server instances on the machine may be deregistered,
including the Virtual Devices mechanism used to perform backups. If this
occurs, the agent generates Backup Agent Error 511 ("Error creating Virtual
Device Interface: COM class not found") within the error AE50015 ("Backup
Failed"), or AE51004 ("Restore Failed"). To address this error, perform the
following procedure:
Locate the version of sqlvdi.dll that belongs to the newest version of
Microsoft SQL Server on the machine.
From a command prompt, change to the directory containing the
selected sqlvdi.dll, and enter the following command to re-register the
Virtual Devices component and re-enable backup operations:
regsvr32 sqlvdi.dll
Installing two or more versions of SQL Server concurrently on the same
machine may create multiple versions of the SQLVDI.DLL file, which causes
conflicts resulting in database backup job failures. To resolve any
SQLVDI.DLL conflicts, ensure all instances of SQL Server are at the latest
Service Pack, security patch or Hotfix level. You may also restart the failed
SQL Server instance to reload a new SQLVDI.DLL file, or reboot the machine.
If you are installing the Agent with Microsoft SQL Server 2000, the Agent for
Microsoft SQL Server requires Microsoft SQL Server 2000 with Service Pack
3, Service Pack 3a, or Service Pack 4.
Windows Small Business Server 2003 Standard Edition does not include
Microsoft SQL Server 2000. However, you can install Microsoft SQL Server
2000 separately, but you must install Service Pack 3, Service Pack 3a, or
Service Pack 4.
Windows Small Business Server 2003 Premium Edition includes
Microsoft SQL Server 2000, Service Pack 3.