After installation, the Wego IIID requires free air calibration. This should be done with the sensors
dangling in free air. The environment must be free of hydrocarbon vapors. We suggest that you perform
the free air calibration outdoors. Turn the free air calibration trim pots on the Wego full
counterclockwise. Turn on power and wait for 60 seconds so the system can fully stabilize. Then
slowly turn each free air calibration trim pot clockwise until the corresponding LED starts flashing at a
rapid rate. Try to set each trim pot at the point where its LED just starts to flash.
The free air calibration procedure should be performed at reasonable intervals (every 250-500 hours if
using unleaded gas or every 2-5 hours if using leaded racing gas) or whenever a sensor is replaced. If
you cannot get an LED to flash when its trim pot is turned full clockwise, you either have a damaged
sensor or very high hydrocarbon levels in your environment.
To calibrate the
to an oxygen sensor, open the Calibration/Configuration window, and click
on the “configure” button for the specific channel that you have plugged the sensor into. You can now
change the type of sensor to “O2 (Daytona WEGO II) Gas or Meth AFR.”
If the sensor is mounted in the collector, you are not likely to get a legitimate reading at idle due to air
recursion. There is however a convenient way to test that the sensors are working before going down
the track. Turn on the power to the system, and let the oxygen sensors heat up for approximately 2
minutes. Then using a Bic butane lighter, force butane into the tip of the sensor BUT do not light.
When the sensor feels the butane it should go from a reading of 18-20 down to a reading of 10-12.
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