CARF-Models Sukhoi SU-31
Center of Gravity
The Sukhoi has a large CG range for different flying styles. Our CG is set at
10mm behind the center of the wing tube and is Ideal for precision IMAC flying
and is a safe starting point. The proto-type is being flown at about 2” behind this
point. Start at the forward CG and move back slowly at your own risk.
Control Throws
A starting point only is listed below. Adjust the throws to suit your flying style and
personal preference
Ailerons Low rate 24 degrees 30% expo
High rate Max throw 50% expo
Elevator Low rate 15 degrees 30% expo
High rate Max throw 50% expo
Rudder Low rate 2 1/2" Right and left measured at counter weight 30% expo
High rate Max throw 50% expo
The Sukhoi requires very little mixing to keep it tracking nicely. There are lots of
things that will influence the amount of mixing required. But as an indication, the
only mix we required during our test flight was 5% up elevator for knife edge flight,
no aileron mixing was required.
We hope you have enjoyed assembling your Composite ARF Sukhoi SU-31 and
you have many years of happy flying with it. We have strived to cover as many
area’s as possible to ensure the assembly process flowed as smoothly as
possible. If you have found yourself in difficulty and need some assistance, your
sales rep is only an email away. Please contact your rep and they will endeavour
to assist you, and get you back on track. Alternatively you can contact us via the
emails below. We also welcome your feedback, please contact us if you would like
to see something added or altered. We are always looking to improve our
products and the information we supply.
Technical support;