CARF-Models Sukhoi SU-31
The wings are 95% finished at the
factory, and have already been
installed on your fuselage to set the
alignment. Dual phenolic aileron
horns are already pre-installed for
you at the factory. Slide the wings
onto the 50mm diameter alloy wing
tube, and fit the 4 plastic wing
retaining nuts onto the M6 threaded
aluminum wing dowels. Each aileron
has 2 servos, fitted into milled
cutouts in the inner and outer ribs.
For easier access we have included
a milled servo hatch to fit in the
recess over the outer servo position,
and you will need to mill the slot in it
to suit the exact position of your
chosen servo arm.
It is
to use full metal
servo arms for the aileron controls,
and we always use the SWB 1.5”
double-loc arms (shown here) which
provide full deflection throws without
having to electronically reduce the
end-points, to ensure the highest
torque and mechanical advantage.
These arms clamp onto the servo
output shaft with no lost movement
(play) at all. Secure your chosen
metal servo arms to the servos,
centering them all with your radio so the arms will be at 90 degrees to the bottom
wing surface. Fix the servos in position using the Ø 2.6 x 16mm sheet metal
screws provided in the hardware, with the output shafts towards the wing leading
edge. It does make the outer servo fixing easier if you make up a very long x-head
screwdriver so you can access the screws from the wing root. Check the servo
output arms are aligned with the dual phenolic aileron horns, and correct any
misalignment by adding thin plywood shims under the servos if necessary. Mill a
slot in the servo hatch covers for the outer servos, to suit your servo arm, and
secure in position using the Ø 2.9 x 10mm screws provided. The small slots in the
wing underside for the inner servos will need to be made larger - to suit the exact
location of your servo arm. Use the provided 3mm threaded rod to make up the
linkage as shown in the photos. Be sure there is no binding of the servos