CARF-Models Sukhoi SU-31
We used a MTW canister exhaust
system on our Sukhoi. Use the
photo as a guide to locate and
cutout the holes for the pipes. The
holes need to be 2 1/2” X 4 1/2" to
allow enough air into the fuse for
Do not
cut through the
center of the fuse at the seam as
this will weaken the firewall. We
also use a MTW exhaust mount.
The mount will attach to a piece of
hardwood 1/2” X 1/2" the 3 screws
as shown. Glue the hardwood to
the fuse right behind the landing
gear mount.
Engine cooling
It you intend to use the DA-200 it
is very important to have proper
baffling to provide adequate
cooling. The baffling should come
right up to the cylinders and go all
the way around to the back. We
used laminated balsa and glued it
right to the cowling. It is a little
tricky to remove the lower cowling
but not impossible. The easiest
way to do this is to use heavy
paper to make a template then
transfer it to the baffle.
It is necessary to cut out two 2”x6”
exhaust ports to allow hot air out of
the fuse. The exact location is not
important. It is important not cut
through the center seam of the
fuse. We also cut a hole in the
bottom of the cowl for cooling and
for our exhaust pipes to exit. See
photos next page.