CARF-Models Sukhoi SU-31
Attaching the 2 piece cowling is quite
easy, as it is already cut and trimmed
at the factory, and should need
almost no adjustment for a perfect fit.
If necessary you can sand the inside
back edges of both halves of the
cowling to have a perfect flush fit
with the fuselage. 3mm X 12mm
allen head bolts will be used to join
the canopy halves together as well
as to attach it to the fuse. All bolts
go into M3 T-nuts, which are glued to
the inside of the cowling or fuselage,
- that is with the spikes’
pointing inwards All bolt heads
should have M3 washers under
them, and these are included in the
hardware. Start by fixing the lower
part to the fuselage with equally
spaced bolts each side. Tape the
cowl firmly in position and drill right
thru’ the cowl and fuselage sides
with a sharp 3mm drill, about 7mm
from the back edge of the cowl. Sand
around each hole inside the
fuselage, and clean off the dust.
Insert the 6 bolts, check position,
screw on the ‘T-nuts and secure
each with one small drop of thick CA.
Now fit the upper part, taping it firmly
at the back, and to the lower part at
the sides - and secure in the same
way with equally-spaced bolts, and
also CA the T-nuts into position.
Finally drill the holes in each side
joint to secure the upper and lower
halves together. Insert all bolts and
tack-glue the T-nuts to the inside
with CA. It is not possible to get to
the back T-nuts, so remove the
cowling and do these afterwards.
Reassemble the complete cowling
onto the fuselage with all bolts and
washers to check the fit, when
correct secure all the M3 T-nuts with
a drop of thick epoxy/micro balloon
mixture over the ‘spikes’, as shown
in photos.