ECON-4 1.4.0 Global Guide
C. Adjust the Position feedback limits in: AnalogSensors: Fdb 0 pos to voltage of feedback in case the actuator
is fully closed, and Fdb 100 pos to value of voltage when actuator is fully opened.
D. Choose one ActType x group, e.g. ActType 1
E. ECON-4 does not measure the current through actuator. The output signal is PWM, with frequency 6000 Hz.
The maximum ECON-4 current is given by resistance of the actuator and power supply of ECON-4. ECON-
4 is rated to maximum 8 Amps. In case the actuator has resistance 2,5 Ohms and power supply is 24V, then
maximum ECON-4 current is: 24/2.5 = 9,6A but ECON max allowable current is 8 Amps!! So the output
must be limited. This means 100% of ECON theoretical current is 9,6A. In case the maximum allowable
actuator current is 5A, then this is 52% of maximum ECON-4 theoretical current. This value will be used for
the maximum current limitation. So adjust ActType1: Act Max Cur = 52%, Act Max Cur Del = 5 sec and Act
ReducedCur = e.g. 20%.
In case bigger current is detected (in fact bigger output PWM signal is detected) for longer then:
ActMaxCurDel, then the output is limited to value ActReduced Cur.
F. Adjust parameter Wiring to BRIDGE, and adjust parameters Act gain to 10%, Act int to 10% and Act der to
G. Parameters: ActTypex (In this case ActType 1): ActCur 0% and ActCur 100% are not used, so their value is
not important
H. Adjust parameter: Main PID: Actuator Type to the actuator which you use, so in this case ActType 1.
I. Connect the actuator to ECON-4, outputs ACT+ ACT- (take care about polarity!!)
J. Adjust ECON-4 parameter: Main PID: ECON-4 mode to MANUAL and run WinScope recording with values:
Gas Dose and Act1 Fdbck in range 0.0 – 100.0%.
K. When recording is active, change parameter: Main PID: Act position from 0 to 10, 20, 30, .. 100 and check
the response of the actuator (via feedback signal in WinScope). In case the response is too lazy or too fast,
then update the corresponding Act gain, Act int and Act der parameters in ActTypex (in our case ActType1)
to get required response.
L. After adjustment is finished, put parameter: Main PID: ECON-4 mode to AUTOMATIC
M. Based on the chosen type of control (BIN, ANA, DATA) connect the required signal
N. Adjust all other parameters like Nominal, Idle speed, Geer teeth, Overspeed, Speed and Load PID,
ActChannel (to the number which ECON-4 output you are using)
O. ECON-4 is ready for start attempt.