A first press of the DISP key results in the last entered dispense volume
being displayed. The “VOL” annunciator will illuminate and flash. The
INC/DEC keys are used to change the dispense volume, if desired. The
STOP/START key then initiates delivery of the set volume. The amount
remaining to be dispensed will be displayed during countdown. The
dispense function is exited by pressing any key except Increment,
Decrement, DISP, or STOP/START.
A second press of the DISP key causes the COPY annunciator to
illuminate and flash. The STOP/START key is then used to set the desired
volume without the need to know the volume in specific units. A third
press of the DISP key enters the volume dispensed. The COPY
annunciator stops flashing. The STOP/START key is then used to initiate
delivery of the copied volume. The number of copies dispensed will be
displayed after each dispense. The STOP/START key is used to pause the
copy dispense during dispensing; copy dispense can then be continued
using the STOP/START key.
A fourth press of the DISP key results in the last entered dispense time
being displayed. The SEC annunciator will illuminate and flash. The
INC/DEC keys are used to change the dispense time, if desired, from 1 to
9999 seconds. The STOP/START key then initiates delivery for the set
time interval. The remaining time will be displayed during countdown.
Pressing the DISP key a fifth time exits this mode.
Press and hold FLOW. After five (5) seconds, display will change to all
dashes. Then, while holding FLOW, press PRIME five (5) times.
The MODE “INT”: annunciator will flash when the keypad is locked.
Selectable input (0–20 mA, 4–20 mA, 0–10V DC )
±0.5% linearity control
2300V isolation potential
STOP/START; CW/CCW; PRIME via contact closure
Peristaltic Pumps and Drive Operating Manual
Section 3
Keypad Lockout
Remote Control