Instructions to assemble and install
Edition E0
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You must connect the air manifolds and ventilation pipes if natural air recirculation in the false
ceiling area around the projector is obstructed. This is mandatory for UL certified systems.
Fig. 56
Layout of the inspection trapdoor and ventilation system: view from below
Figures 56 and 57 show a solution for the layout of the ventilation pipes inside the false ceiling.
The dimensions A, B, C and D are functional to the design of the room and can be calculated
according to the architectural requirements. To guarantee the air flow required to operate the
product correctly (air flow equal to 75 m
/h), the apertures E in the false ceiling must guarantee
the minimum air flow required to cool the projector and must have a minimum diameter of 150
mm (the false ceiling vents are NOT supplied by CoeLux S.r.l.).
Fig. 57
Diagram of ventilation system connections: view from above.
Air outlet vent
Air inlet vent
Inspection trapdoor
Air inlet piping
Air outlet piping