The chart below shows all of the icons for CodeViewer™ software and their definitions.
Power Icons
50% to 100% capacity of battery
20% to 50% capacity of battery
0% to 20% capacity of battery – recharge battery as soon as possible
Connection Icon
Reader is connected wirelessly to a receiving device (computer, handheld, etc.)
No icon is displayed when the reader does not detect a connection
Communication Mode Icons
USB communication mode enabled
Bluetooth communication mode enabled
Packet Mode Icons
Standard Bluetooth Reliability Mode (previously One Way Mode) – no acknowledgement required
Additional Bluetooth Reliability Mode (previously Two Way Mode) – packetized communication between a
CR3600 and an application
USB Downloader mode
Keyboard mode – to be used as USB keyboard input mode
Secure mode – data encryption mode enabled
Memory Icons
No stored data
Memory is at 20% full
Memory is at 40% full
Memory is at 60% full
Memory is at 80% full
Memory is at 100% full
No batch mode – data will not be stored in the reader’s memory if not connected
Input Mode Icons
Caps Lock – data entered manually on the keypad will be in capital letters
Lower Case – data entered manually on the keypad will be in lower case letters
Numeric – data entered manually on the keypad will be numeric
Symbol – data entered manually on the keypad will be symbols
Locked – buttons pushed on the reader’s keypad will be ignored*
To lock/unlock reader buttons press Shift + Up Arrow simultaneously.