14.0 - Communicating in USB Downloader (HID) Mode
CR3600 firmware and configuration settings can be managed via USB Downloader (HID) Mode using Code’s CortexTools™.
If you are using the CR3600 with a CodeXML® M3 Modem, skip to step 2.
For the CR3600 to communicate in wired, USB Downloader (HID) Mode with a Charging Station with embedded CodeXML® modem:
1. Move the Communication Mode Switch to the left (opposite direction of the arrow) on the Charging Station (Figure 16).
2. Open CortexTools™.
3. Scan the USB Downloader (HID) Mode configuration barcode.
4. Dock the reader into the Charging Station.
5. Follow the instructions detailed in the CortexTools™ User Manual, available from
Note: to manually switch to USB Downloader Mode follow these steps.
1. Select ‘Options.’
2. Select ‘Settings.’
3. Select ‘Communication.’
4. Select ‘USB.’
5. Select ‘Downloader.’
6. Select ‘Save.’
USB Downloader (HID) Mode
Configuration Code
Batch mode allows a user to store scanned data to the reader’s non-volatile memory. The user may transfer the data to a host device
when needed.
The CR3600 may be configured to operate in three different modes:
1. Batch Mode Disable (Default) - In default mode, data is NOT stored in memory. The CR3600 will automatically detect when the
Bluetooth radio is out of range, and will beep 4 times each scan to indicate this. The CR3600 will automatically reconnect when
the Bluetooth radio is in range.
2. Log Only Mode - In Log Only Mode, the reader will only store data to its memory.
The data can ONLY be retrieved by scanning the “Transfer Stored Data in Memory” barcode. Scanning the “Transfer Stored
Data in Memory” barcode will transfer the data to the host device, but not delete the data from the reader’s memory.
A user must scan the “Delete Buffered Scanned Data from Memory” barcode to clear reader memory.
The CR3600 will reconnect to the Bluetooth radio when the “Transfer Data in Memory” or the QuickConnect Code is scanned.
Auto reconnect is disabled when Log Only is enabled.
3. Send & Log Mode - In Send & Log Mode the reader will store a copy to its memory
as well
as send the data if the reader is
The data can be retrieved by scanning the “Transfer Stored Data from Memory” barcode. Scanning the “Transfer Stored Data
in Memory” barcode will transfer the data to the host device, but not delete the data from the reader’s memory.
A user must scan the “Delete Buffered Scanned Data from Memory” barcode to clear reader memory.
The CR3600 will reconnect to the Bluetooth radio when the “Transfer Data in Memory” or the QuickConnect Code is scanned.
Auto reconnect is disabled when Log Only is enabled.
After a successful decode in batch mode, the unit will beep once and the memory LED will turn green indicating stored memory.
15.0 - Communicating in Batch Mode via USB Communication Mode