13. Disinfection, cleaning, sterilisation
Motor with cable
Do not twist and kink the motor cable! Do not coil
it too tightly! This instruction is not necessary when
a sterilisation cassette is utilised (optional accessory).
Before disinfection and cleaning push the motor
protective cover onto the motor attachment!
– If heavily soiled: Clean first with disinfectant cloths.
Only use disinfectants that have no protein-fixing effects.
Manual cleaning
– Rinse under demineralised water (< 38 °C) with the aid of
a brush (brush is not recommended in U.K.)
– Then remove any liquid residues (absorbent cloth, blow dry
with compressed air).
– Disinfect with surface disinfectants. Wiping disinfection
is recommended.
– Use only surface disinfectants which do not contain chlorine
and which are certified by officially recognised institutes.
For USA:
Use EPA registered surface disinfectants.
– Note the manufacturer’s specifications for the use of the
surface disinfectants.