All content © 2018, cmotion GmbH. All specifications are subject to change without further notice.
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It may not be legal to operate the cPRO hand unit in a country/region other than the country/
region selected in the region menu. Select ROW (Rest of world) or use the device in hard-
wired mode if you are unsure of the correct region setting.
Note: If multiple hand units are used, please set all cPRO hand units you want to connect
to the network to the same radio channel as the cPRO camin. Once a cPRO hand unit is set
to the same radio channel like the cPRO camin, the device will connect automatically. Up
to 3 cPRO hand units can be connected to a cPRO camin at a time (available with Software
Release Package v2.0 / license required for each hand unit). Assigning the motor’s control axis
• To assign a cforce mini or cforce plus motor to the corresponding lens axis, press
the FIZ button repeatedly until the correct axis character is illuminated.
(F=Focus / I=Iris / Z=Zoom)
• alternatively, assign the cforce motors control axis using the cPRO hand unit; double
press the HOME button to enter the adjustment menu; go to MOTORS / Motor
Settings /select the corresponding motor / Axis Calibrating the cforce motors
• calibrate the cforce motors by pressing and holding the FIZ button on each cforce
motor for 3 seconds
• alternatively calibrate the cforce motors using one of the cPRO hand unit functions
„calibrate“ e.g. double press the HOME button to enter the adjustment menu; go to
MOTORS / Calibrate all
Risk of injury! Do not touch the motor gear while motor is powered up!
This device is not intended for use by children. Keep body parts out of the motion path.
Disconnect the plug if the device is not used for a longer period of time.
IEC 60417-6056 (2011-05) for other moving parts