All content © 2018, cmotion GmbH. All specifications are subject to change without further notice.
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Factory reset
The factory reset menu allows you to reset the cPRO hand unit and all connected LBUS
devices to manufacturer settings.
Please select all if you want to reset all connected LBUS devices and the cPRO hand unit.
Select cPRO hand unit if you want to reset the cPRO hand unit only. Select LBUS devices
and then one device from the dynamic LBUS device list if you want to reset a specific
LBUS device only.
Please confirm your selection by pressing reset in order to reset the selected device or
back / cancel in order to cancel the procedure.
When performing a factory reset on the cPRO hand unit, you will be asked to confirm
whether you also want to reset the internal lens database. If you do want to delete ALL
lens files saved on the cPRO hand unit, press “yes”. Press “no” to perform a factory reset
without deleting the entire lens database.
Do not power off the cPRO hand unit or the connected LBUS devices while the factory reset
is in progress as this may damage the device!