All content © 2018, cmotion GmbH. All specifications are subject to change without further notice.
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Note: The touch screen will be locked for all main screen navigation only. Within the
adjustement menu, the touch screen will be unlocked automatically to allow smooth
navigation. In order to enter the adjustment menu, if the touch screen is locked, press the
home button twice.
Thumb wheel
The thumb wheel menu allows you to turn the thumb wheel on (unlock) or off (lock). A
small red lock will be displayed in the status bar on all main screens. The letter “T” for
thumb wheel will illuminate each time you turn the thumb wheel.
Note: The thumb wheel will be locked for main screen navigation only. Within the adjustment
menu, the thumb wheel will be unlocked automatically to allow smooth navigation. In order
to enter the adjustment menu, if the touch screen is locked, press the home button twice.
If the thumb wheel and the touch screen is off (locked) at the same time, a navigation through
the main screens is not possible anymore. In order to enter the adjustment menu, press the
home button twice and unlock the control interfaces if needed.
Stealth mode all
The stealth mode all menu allows to turn the stealth mode on or off for all LBUS devices
in the daisy-chain. If stealth mode is on, all LBUS devices on the camera side´s daisy-
chain will turn their illumination off (e.g. if the camera angle is critical because of camera
reflection in the picture). CONTROLS
The controls menu contains all settings related to the main controls: knob, slider and